The following post is in the form of a Limerick. Limerick is a humorous, often risque, verse of five lines with the rhyme scheme aabba.
One day I told my father: “I want to achieve instant success.
I am tired of getting sidelined; power is all I want to possess."
He asked me one question,
Whether I want to be a politician
Maybe yes, but tell me more about the Indian political process.

Father said:
People like LPY, did Fodder Scam and made a big name.
During this time, the mother of 9 kids played political game.
Now Railway ministry salutes him,
All his scams seem so dim.
No NK or MSY can snatch his hard earned precious fame.
We have names like VRD with his actor son and director friend,
for upcoming movie publicity, he walked on the terrorized land.
Though his act took away his chair,
But the damage did quickly repair
With The high command giving him power and a strong ministry stand.

A criminal with lifetime imprisonment can still rule the state,
All Evidences against him fail miserably on the judgment date.
Though his crime roots are deep,
But Judiciary is his personal keep,
Acquittal is the only outcome; at any cost and at any rate.
These are but a few names in the endless list;
Their Mantra is simple – cut a throat or bend a wrist.
Progeny of a powerful generation
are in the very best position.
who follow old footsteps and become another chauvinist.
Now I am thinking,

Indian Politics is the best option, for my father is a minister.
He committed a murder, a few rapes and became sinister.
That’s the required qualification,
To enter into politics profession,
I will not have to pass any exam or clear any semester.
I already have a few molestation cases booked under my name
Murder will be accomplished, if opposition plays a dirty game
I am now going my father’s way
Oppositions, better start to pray
I am going to rule the state and get away with all the shame.
The Reality
This is the scenario of our country’s politics even today.
Murderers and criminals rule the states; find their safety way.
Success is all they strive to achieve
Unethical is nothing – they believe.
All they want is power-position-money, come what may.
Become a criminal and politics will welcome you with an open arm
Bigger offenses and more publicity will help you spread your charm
Your errors will be corrected
Your black money will be protected
In the name of ancestral property & farmer’s land without any harm.